
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Social Networking and Education

Social networks provide awareness to public matters especially socially, politically, economically, educationally, etc. As networks provide users opportunities to share and become informed on world issues, this increases understanding, knowledge, and the rapidity of information. Facebook is a great way to share links, images, quotes, videos, and many other types of media regarding any subject. Twitter is a more intimate social media platform where personal opinions can be shared. Personally, I enjoy blogging. I have a blogger account where I post my personal opinions, I share media files, like pictures, audio, and video. I think social media platforms help learners reiterate what they have learned by allowing learners to provide their own insight and feedback. I think reflecting is an important aspect of learning and should be implemented more often. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I moved

I moved my blog… so this one is no longer Follow me here.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Awesome/Awkward Friday's

 -having to help 8 customers at one time by myself
 -going on a walk and having a complete stranger honk at you then yelling words you can’t understand because they were driving too fast. Also, having them repeat that again on their way back.
 -having your neighbor wave to you as she drives by but waving straight ahead even though I am located to the side of her car, every time without fail.
 -being in the Utah State student section even though I’m definitely rooting for BYU.
-having a customer take a tube with him because he forgot to return it to its place (I work at a bank, you know those teller tubes, they are preeetty big… don’t know how that happened).
 -having your make-up done by a Sephora lady and coming out looking like a clown.
-having the waitress at japanese wasabi know your order because you go there so often.

 -going to my first college basketball game in Utah with my mission pals
-getting sushi with my sissy
-getting all the deets from a Hawaiian native about Huh-vai-ee
-learning that Stacy from TLC’s What Not to Wear’s hair stripe is a condition that won’t allow her hair to be dyed, like ever.
-my mom pulling out my Christmas bear and it didn’t smell like the closet!
-getting a shitzu for free! His name is Bentlee.
 -going on a 6 mile walk with my seester in the blistering wind while coming up with raps for Once Upon a Time characters, love that show.
-watching a clean version of Silver Linings Playbook because I love Jennifer Lawrence.
 -having a girl in my ward ask the choir director as he was lecturing on vocal chords- if someone’s vocal chords vibrate faster than another does that make them a better singer?
 -having your hair dyed for free because your sister is a cosmetologist.
-the joys of pinterest (I know, I'm behind the times)…I served a mission ok!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Bethany, Mette, Sarah, Jordan, Jessica, Abigail, Carianne

Today is throwback Thursday. The picture shown above is from my sophomore year I think. I have braces, yuck. My braces were stuck to my face for like 4 years. Every single appointment I asked the ortho when I'd get them off. No joke.

I'm really excited to watch The Sound of Music Live! Also, just finished watching the Hunger Games (the first movie). I cried so hard yet again…. little Rue gets me every time. Hawaii is coming around the corner… yikes. Cool thing though, just found out I got a scholarship! Whoo-hoo! That brought the balance from 8k to 7k.

Monday, December 2, 2013

it's the final count down.

i got this idea from a blog i like to visit. thought it would be fun to do.

ten things I wish I could say to ten different people {without using names}:
1. i wish you were honest from the beginning.
2. stealing other people’s toys on the playground won’t make you many friends (name that song).
3. i wish you could be my best friend.
4. you are the epitome of perfection.
5. why are you ignoring me?
6. you need help.
7. just because you’re happy with your life doesn’t mean i have to go down the same path as you.
8. you really annoy me.
9. you need to know how talented you are.
10. i hope you are watching over me, always.
 nine things about myself:
1. i'm really good at untying knots specifically tangled, mangled jewelry knots.
2. when i was young we lived close to disneyland so we would go after school if i cleaned up my room and finished my homework.
3. i stay clear away from cocky people.
4. i’m addicted to hamburgers and milk, not together of course.
5. i watch waaay too much t.v.., i’m a walking IMDB.
6. i’m fluent in asl (that’s american sign language and never ask someone if they speak asl)
7. sometimes i don’t brush my teeth because i’m lazy, i know gross.
8. i get urges to run for miles once or twice a month. i do it then puke.
9. i’d rather sing then speak in front of a crowd.
eight ways to win my heart:
1. must have the same sense of humor.
2. must be confident, but not cocky.
3. must love everyone.
4. must love to travel.
5. must know and accept me for who I am
6. must listen to my rantings.
7. must love to sing.
8. must be intuitive.
 seven things that cross my mind a lot:
1.the dating scene.
2. starting from scratch again.
3. what i should eat today.
4. traveling the world, mother teresa style.
5. finding a job once i make the big move.
6. what would my life be like if i were famous.
7. what kind of a mom and wifey i’ll be.
six things I do before I fall asleep: T.V.
2. get into comfy clothes
3. sometimes i’ll wash my face or brush my teeth
4. get a glass of milk
5. bother my sister, alyssa
6. close the door to my bedroom. scared of having someone creep in… not that closing the door helps.
five people who mean a lot:
1. my entire family (dad, mom, alyssa, nataly, and mandi)
2. the grandmother i’ve never met.
3. my mission friends (esp. lee, feller, mahaffey, andersen, choi)
4. ellen and freddie, my adoptive grandparents.
5. barbara and harold, another set of adoptive grandparents.
four things I'm wearing:
1. turquoise.
2. a polka dot button up.
3. brow shadow.
4. sparkles.

three songs I listen to often:
1. anything regina.
2. anything taylor.
3. anything frusciante.
two things I want to do before I die:
1. leave a legacy
2. travel the world.
one confession:
i'm a perfectionist.